As a women’s health NGO, the EIWH do not have the more ‘typical’ nanotech dissemination channels to spread the GoNano project to. However, the innovative methodology and the continuous emphasis on gender that runs throughout the project has made it a most interesting project for our general audience for dissemination.
EIWH have spoken about the GoNano project, the co-creation project, the methodology underpinning it, the centrality of gender and diversity, and the findings from T1.2 Understanding the role of culture, gender and communication traditions, and their implications for engagement methodologies, communication and dissemination strategies at a number of events and conferences.
In the European Parliament, Brussel, during the EIWH Information Day “Call for Action on Women’s Health Economy of Well-Being Healthy Women – Healthy Europe” the meeting was attended by seven MEPs, European Commission representatives, WHO, and a wide variety of public health organisations, patient groups, and interest groups.